Low-energy electron beam deposition of metal-containing organic-inorganic coatings with selective activity against microorganisms
Yiming, L.
Rogachev, A. V.
Xiaoxue, T.
Rogachev, A. A.
Xiaohong, J.
Pyzh, E.
Yarmolenko, V. A.
Yarmolenko, M. A.
Rudenkov, A. S.
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Low-energy electron beam deposition of metal-containing organic-inorganic coatings with selective activity against microorganisms / L. Yiming, A. V. Rogachev, T. Xiaoxue (…), V. A. Yarmolenko [et al.] // Vacuum. – 2023. – Vol. 209. – P. 111803. – DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2022.111803.
The possibility of vacuum depositing complex metal-containing organic-inorganic coatings with selective stimulating and inhibitory activity against microorganisms (C. albicans, E. coli, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG) has been demonstrated for the first time. The layer systems based on CaH2/Mg, citric acid, glucose, and ammonium phosphate were deposited with a low-energy electron beam. The features of chemical interlayer interactions, which result in the homogeneous layer formation, were considered. Interlayer interactions come from the absorption of atmospheric moisture by the coating. Other vacuum methods cannot produce such coatings. A comparative analysis of the calcium and magnesium effect on the ability to stimulate the growth of Lactobacillus rhamnosusGG was carried out. The resulting coatings can be used to modify the surface of pessaries.
- 2023 [112]